Title: "Two Ringtail Possums Staring into the Night" This Handcrafted Aboriginal Art Panel is a reproduction of the original artwork by famous Aboriginal Artist Danny Eastwood. "The Dreamtime" and "Dreaming" was the creation time of this Universe. These spiritual beliefs were passed on by our ancestors to the young Aboriginal generations in Dreamtime stories and were often painted onto rocks, caves, sand and barks. Our many tribes tell in their different Dreamtime stories as to how the world was created by the spirits of our great ancestors and how to live in harmony with nature on our land. He says "I hope that the urban and traditional Aboriginal People of Australia will maintain their Dreaming into the future." Danny Eastwood, the NSW Aboriginal Artist of the Year 1988/89 and the National Aboriginal Artist for the Year 1992/93 is proudly Australian and proudly Aboriginal. Danny's work - his own Dreaming - merges the different worlds of ancient times and today's reality. He also says "I want unity, Trust and Togetherness for all Australians and that all races of this world will live together in peace and harmony in the future". Dimensions: Length: 20 Inches, Height: 16 Inches |